Thursday, November 19, 2009

Well my week went pretty good. I had wanted to take the figure drawing class at the local art gallery but it turned out I couldn't make it. I have this secret longing to be artistic I want to paint, draw, sculpt, quilt,anything that I can do with my hands.Well maybe I will be able to accomplish this someday. I wish I had time just to learn these and make them a part of me . I guess this is why I started this Blog to find and learn about myself . Don't get me wrong I know alot about myself but there is still more of me that is still coming out and even though I am a grown midlifer I am still interested in learning.I am guessing this will never end for me . So I am thankful for this, as my life shouldn't become boring always something to look

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Finding me,
    I have "found you" and want to say thanks for stopping by my blog. I have "found myself" in this blogging journey. You will enjoy it and find that your creativity will grow by leaps and bounds as you connect with other bloggers. Have fun!!
